3Q Critical Defect Rate Posts Series High  

ACES Quality Management, Denver, said the overall critical defect rate for mortgage underwriting in the third quarter rose to a series high.

ACES: Critical Defect Rates Up 6%

ACES Quality Management, Denver, issued its quarterly Mortgage QC Industry Trends Report, showing the overall critical defect rate increased by 6% in the second quarter to 2.05%, crossing the 2% threshold for only the third time in this report’s history.

ACES: 4Q Critical Defect Rate Rises to 1.95%

The company’s Q4 Mortgage QC Industry Trends Report found the overall critical defect increased 0.08% to 1.95%, a change of 4% from the prior quarter, as lenders transitioned to a purchase-heavy lending environment.

Critical Defect Rate Down 18%

ACES Quality Management, Denver, said mortgage lenders managed loan origination quality “extremely well” in the third quarter, leading to an 18% improvement in overall credit defect rates.

ACES: Q2 Critical Defect Rate Up 13%

ACES Quality Management, Denver, reported a13% increase in overall critical defect rates to 2.27%, ending a multi-quarter trend of improvement.