MBA Chart of the Week Apr. 5, 2021: Value of CRE Construction

One of the most striking aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on commercial and multifamily real estate has been the disparity in the ways different property types have been affected. MBA’s monthly CREF Loan Performance Survey continues to show the immediate and dramatic rise in delinquency rates among lodging and retail properties.

MBA Chart of the Week Apr. 5, 2021: Value of CRE Construction

One of the most striking aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on commercial and multifamily real estate has been the disparity in the ways different property types have been affected. MBA’s monthly CREF Loan Performance Survey continues to show the immediate and dramatic rise in delinquency rates among lodging and retail properties.

MBA Chart of the Week Mar. 26, 2021: IMB Production Revenues

In this Chart of the Week, we compare in basis points the average quarterly credit spreads between the 30‐year mortgage rate (as surveyed by Freddie Mac) and the 10‐year Treasury yield to production revenues (fee income, secondary marketing income and warehouse spread).

MBA Chart of the Week Mar. 26, 2021: IMB Production Revenues

In this Chart of the Week, we compare in basis points the average quarterly credit spreads between the 30‐year mortgage rate (as surveyed by Freddie Mac) and the 10‐year Treasury yield to production revenues (fee income, secondary marketing income and warehouse spread).