Inflation Takes Step Back

Inflation—a highly regarded component of Federal Reserve policy—declined in December and slowed on an annual basis, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Thursday.

2022 Jobs Finish on Strong Note

Although nonfarm payroll employment slowed toward the end of the year, it finished on a strong, steady pace, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday.

November CPI Posts Welcome ‘Modest’ Increase

It’s not often that “modest” has economic significance, but when it refers to inflation as of late, then “modest” is perhaps a welcome description.

September Job Openings Surge; Construction up 0.2%

Job openings in September jumped by more than a half-million from August, showing there are 1.9 job openings for every available worker, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said Tuesday in the first of four major jobs reports this week.

MBA Chart of the Week Oct. 14 2022: Housing Costs

This week’s Chart of the Week highlights different measures of housing costs, all indexed to 2018. The lowest lines are the CPI measures of shelter costs, including the “’all-in” shelter measure and breakouts for rents and owners’ equivalent rents.

Economic Report Roundup: Inflation Pushes Up; Initial Claims Rise

The Bureau of Labor Statistics on Thursday reported its Consumer Price Index rose by 0.4 percent in September to an annual rate of 8.2 percent. Separately, the Labor Department reported initial claims for unemployment insurance rose for the second straight week.

September Producer Price Index Up 0.4%

The Producer Price Index, a key measure of wholesale inflation, rose by 0.4 percent in September after falling in August and July, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported on Wednesday.

Employment Show Signs of Slowing

Non-farm employment slowed to 263,000 jobs in September, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday, while the unemployment rate fell back to pre-pandemic levels.