Housing Market Roundup, Jan. 4, 2021

We hope you had an enjoyable holiday break. Here is a summary of some reports that came out over the holidays:

Why the ‘Big Short’ in Housing Supply Will Remain in 2021

Economics is all about supply and demand. In the housing market right now, there’s plenty of demand—but not a lot of supply. And, according to First American Financial Corp., that’s not likely to change any time soon.

Housing Market Roundup

In this edition of the MBA NewsLink Housing Market Roundup, we look at the latest FHFA Strategic Plan; how consumers are altering their home buying and home selling plans during the coronavirus pandemic; why housing affordability might be at a “tipping point;” how the coronavirus is driving down inventories; and how political preferences are having an effect on where people choose to live–or even stay in America.

Signs Point Toward Continued House Price Appreciation

Ahead of this morning’s S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Home Price Indexes, a report from First American Financial Corp., Santa Ana, Calif., said low mortgage rates, tight supply and demographic demand will continue to drive home price appreciation well into autumn.

Lack of Supply Hinders Housing Market’s Full Potential

Despite the housing market’s show of strength this summer amid economic turmoil sparked by the coronavirus pandemic, it has yet to reach its full potential because of ongoing supply restraints, said First American Financial Corp., Santa Ana, Calif.

First American: House Price Appreciation Likely to Accelerate Through Summer

First American Financial Corp., Santa Ana, Calif., said its Real House Price Index shows the supply and demand imbalance that existed entering the coronavirus pandemic has persisted, and even worsened, meaning house price growth will likely remain strong this summer.

Millennial Homeownership ‘Delayed, Not Denied’

Despite the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic, millennials appear poised to fuel a “Roaring ’20s” of homeownership demand, said First American Financial Corp., Santa Ana, Calif.