In this week’s Chart of the Week, we look at the percentage of time employees in key Retail fulfillment positions worked remotely in 2023 (excluding overtime) across different peer groups.
Tag: Jenny Masoud

MBA Chart of the Week: Percent of IMBs With Positive Pre-Tax Net Income
According to MBA’s Q1 2024 Quarterly Mortgage Bankers Performance Report, independent mortgage banks and mortgage subsidiaries of chartered banks reported a pre-tax net production loss of 25 basis points, or $645 per loan.

MBA Chart of the Week: IMB Average Unrestricted Cash & Cash Equivalents
MBA Research recently released the third quarter results of its Quarterly Mortgage Bankers Performance Report. The results showed that independent mortgage banks and bank subsidiaries reported a pre-tax net loss of $1,015 on each loan they originated in the third quarter of 2023, an increase from the reported loss of $534 per loan in the second quarter of 2023.

MBA Chart of the Week Aug. 22: Production Personnel and Production Volume
This MBA Chart of the Week compares production personnel to average quarterly production volume in count over the last five years.

MBA Chart of the Week Aug. 21: Production Personnel and Production Volume
This MBA Chart of the Week compares production personnel to average quarterly production volume in count over the last five years.

MBA Chart of the Week May 19, 2023: % of IMBs with Pre-Tax Net Income
Today’s Chart of the Week compares the percentage of companies in the QPR that reported positive pre-tax net income including all lines of business (e.g. production and servicing operations), versus the percentage of companies that reported positive pre-tax net income, once servicing operations are excluded.

MBA Chart of Week Apr. 7, 2023: IMB Loans Closed Per Production Employee Per Month
In this week’s MBA Chart of the Week, we look at the median productivity of production employees for these independent mortgage bankers, given this drop in production volume.

MBA Chart of Week Apr. 7, 2023: IMB Loans Closed Per Production Employee Per Month
In this week’s MBA Chart of the Week, we look at the median productivity of production employees for these independent mortgage bankers, given this drop in production volume.

#MBATech23: Challenging Economic Conditions Persist
SAN JOSE, Calif.—After several years of extraordinary—and unexpected—mortgage performance despite the coronavirus pandemic, 2023 is a decidedly different—and less desirable—business environment, said MBA economists.

MBA Chart of the Week Mar. 17, 2023: IMB Net Profits, Production Volume
In this MBA Chart of the Week, we look at production profits in basis points, relative to average production volume, from inception of the MBA Quarterly Mortgage Bankers Performance Report series in third quarter 2008 through fourth quarter 2022.