MBA Chart of the Week: Unemployment Insurance/Initial Claims

This week’s chart highlights initial unemployment claims data from the U.S. Department of Labor, portraying the speed and severity of the labor market’s deterioration during the COVID-19 pandemic, as businesses closed or transitioned to remote working arrangements.

MBA Chart of the Week: Monthly Payroll Growth and Unemployment Rate

The economy added a record 4.8 million jobs to nonfarm payrolls in June, bringing the cumulative increase in May and June to one-third of the sharp decreases in March and April. Similarly, the June unemployment rate, at 11.1%, was down 3.6% from its high in April, and labor force participation jumped by 0.7% to 61.5% (1.9% below its pre-coronavirus level in February). However, we are not yet out of the woods.

MBA Chart of the Week: Monthly Payroll Growth and Unemployment Rate

The economy added a record 4.8 million jobs to nonfarm payrolls in June, bringing the cumulative increase in May and June to one-third of the sharp decreases in March and April. Similarly, the June unemployment rate, at 11.1%, was down 3.6% from its high in April, and labor force participation jumped by 0.7% to 61.5% (1.9% below its pre-coronavirus level in February). However, we are not yet out of the woods.

MBA Chart of the Week: Proportion of Work Being Performed Remotely

MBA’s Chart of the Week three weeks ago (May 8) focused on the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ bleak April report on employment conditions. We examined which industries and sectors have been hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. This week, we continue our examination of the labor market using new survey data released by the Federal Reserve Board, and examine, by education level, how many people were able to work from home as the crisis deepened in early April.

MBA Chart of the Week: Payroll Employment Changes

This week’s MBA Chart of the Week focuses on Friday’s grave employment report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The COVID-19 crisis has hit employment and household income in an unprecedented and accelerated fashion.

MBA Chart of the Week: Payroll Employment Changes

This week’s MBA Chart of the Week focuses on Friday’s grave employment report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The COVID-19 crisis has hit employment and household income in an unprecedented and accelerated fashion.

MBA Chart of the Week: Homeownership Rate by Age

The national homeownership rate increased to 65.1% in the final three months of 2019, the first time above 65 percent in seven years. Since bottoming out at 62.9 percent in second quarter 2016, the number of owner-occupied homes has increased by 4.5 million.