MBA Chart of the Week Sept. 17 2021–Teleworking Due to Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many businesses to change the way they operate, and even 18 months later, there are different views and strategies for the workplace, with teleworking at the center of many discussions.

Employers Add 235,000 August Jobs

U.S. employers added 235,000 jobs in August—considerably below July’s massive 1.05 million job gain—as the economy struggled to hold momentum amid rising Delta variant coronavirus cases, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday.

Hiring Heats Up in July

The labor market surged again in July with 943,000 new jobs created, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday.

June Jobs Report Blows Past Expectations

Total nonfarm employment increased by 850,000 in June, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday, well above expectations amid rising demand for services hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic.

May Employment Up 559,000; Unemployment Rate Drops to 5.8%

Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 559,000 in May, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday—up substantially from May’s tepid numbers but still below consensus expectations, as hiring slowly recovers from the coronavirus pandemic.

April Jobs Numbers Come in Well Below Consensus

In the days ahead of last Friday’s employment report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, prognosticators went big, with consensus anticipating nearly one million new April jobs and even one economist confidently predicting 2.1 million new jobs. Alas, nearly everyone was wrong.