MISMO Issues Call for Participants to Create eVault Standards
MISMO®, the real estate finance industry standards organization, on Monday issued a call for participants for a new development workgroup focused on creating eVault standards that foster interoperability among eVault providers.

Housing Report Roundup, Mar. 1, 2022
Here are summaries of recent housing market reports that came across the MBA NewsLink desk.

FHFA Issues Final Rule Amending GSE Regulatory Capital Framework
The Federal Housing Finance Agency published a final rule that amends the Enterprise Regulatory Capital Framework by refining the prescribed leverage buffer amount and risk-based capital treatment of retained credit risk transfer exposures for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Trepp: Offices Hit 4Q Life Insurance Mortgage Returns Hard
Trepp LLC, New York, said life insurance company commercial mortgage investments saw lower returns in the fourth quarter, largely due to the hard-hit office sector.

MBA Chart of the Week: Servicing Customer Inquiries Per Loan
In this week’s MBA Chart of the Week, we focus on borrower communications, specifically the average number of annual servicing customer inquiries per loan. MBA has tracked this data through its Servicing Operations Study and Forum since 2008.