20 Banks With the Most Subservicing in Q1

National Mortgage News, June 15, 2023 (Complimentary Access)The top five residential servicers in this list have a combined unpaid principal balance of more than $1.8 trillion at the end of …

Prepayment Speeds Were Up 22% in May on Seasonality

National Mortgage News, June 7, 2023-Brad Finkelstein (subscription)Mortgage-backed securities prepayment speeds increased 22% month-to-month in May, but that was largely due to seasonality related to traditional spring buying activity, a …

Purchase-Mortgage Share Hits 85% in First Quarter

Inside Mortgage Finance, June 2, 2023–John Bancroft (subscription)Refinance originations fell to exceptionally low levels in the first quarter of 2023, helping to increase the purchase-mortgage share of the market, according …