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Auto, Mortgage Delinquencies Climb in Energy Regions
Wall Street Journal, May 24, 2016--Zumbrun, Josh Delinquencies on auto loans have spiked in the U.S. counties that had the highest employment in the oil-and-gas industry, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York's quarterly report on household debt and credit. Mortgage delinquencies have also climbed, though not as dramatically.
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U.S. Fed Buys $8.2 Billion of Mortgage Bonds, Sells None
Reuters, May 26, 2016 The Federal Reserve bought $8.172 billion of agency mortgage-backed securities in the week from May 19 to May 25, compared with $7.546 billion purchased the previous week, the New York Federal Reserve Bank said on Thursday.
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Higher Taxes Don’t Scare Millionaires Into Fleeing Their Homes After All
Bloomberg, May 26, 2016--Steverman, Ben If you raise rates on the rich, will you lose them to other states? A study of 45 million IRS records suggests it doesn't work that way.
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Chase in Homestretch of $4B Mortgage Bond Settlement
National Mortgage News, May 27, 2016--Finkelstein, Brad JPMorgan Chase is close to satisfying its $4 billion consumer relief obligation under a residential mortgage-backed securities settlement.
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‘Face of the Housing Crisis’ Exonerated by Appeals Court Countrywide Hustle Ruling
HousingWire, May 27, 2016--Lane, Ben Lost in the shuffle of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit's decision to toss the $1.27 billion penalty against Bank of America in a fraud case over defective mortgages sold by Countrywide was the fact that the court also overturned the fraud charges and voided the $1 million penalty against Rebecca Mairone, who the New York Times once referred to as the "face of the housing crisis."
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Why Banks Are Dumping Fannie, Freddie Debt
National Mortgage News, May 27, 2016--Peters, Andy The largest banks are dumping their holdings of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac debt, and it's contagious. It turns out small banks have been doing the same thing.
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Nuns With Guns: The Strange Day-to-Day Struggles Between Bankers and Regulators
Wall Street Journal, May 30, 2016--Grind, Kirsten; Glazer, Emily Among the new federal banking regulations there is one that financial wonks call "TRID," the TILA-Respa Integrated Disclosure rule. Attendees at a recent training school here for bank compliance staff, who must learn and enforce such rules, said they deciphered TRID's true meaning: "The reason I drink."
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Federal Reserve: Mortgage Debt Rises to 4-Year High
HousingWire, May 24, 2016--Lane, Ben The amount of money that Americans owe to mortgage lenders rose to the highest level in more than four years during the first quarter, according to a new report from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
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FHA Gives OK to Down Payment Help Following IG’s Criticism
National Mortgage News, May 25, 2016--Collins, Brian The head of the Federal Housing Administration has informed lenders that loans receiving down payment assistance can continue to benefit from government insurance, despite past questions over the legality of certain assistance programs. Pete Mills, senior vice president for the Mortgage Bankers Association, said Golding's memo to lenders was "a very positive development."
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CFPB: Mortgage Complaints Down to Third Place
HousingWire, May 24, 2016--Ramirez, Kelsey In March, for the first time since the start of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in 2011, mortgage complaints were not the number one complaint.
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Who’s Afraid of TRID Risk? It’s Not Who You Think
National Mortgage News, May 24, 2016--Bisby, Allison Liquidity has dried up since the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's disclosure rule took effect in October. With the exception of a few deals backed by loans issued before the financial crisis, private-label securitization has ground to a halt.
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Will Fannie and Freddie Need Another Bailout?
Wall Street Journal, May 24, 2016--Light, Joe Eight years after the financial crisis, mortgage-finance companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are headed down the road to another bailout, but not for the usual reason.
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Trillions in Debt–but for Now, No Reason to Worry
Wall Street Journal, May 25, 2016--Brown, Ken If current trends persist through the end of the year, U.S. households will owe as much as they did at the peak of borrowing in 2008.
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Wall Street Crime: 7 Years, 156 Cases and Few Convictions
Wall Street Journal, May 25, 2016--Eaglesham, Jean; Das, Anupreeta Proceedings against individual bank employees are rare, and authorities have had difficulty winning cases.
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The Hustle Continues: Why the Feds Haven’t Nailed the Big Banks
New Republic, May 25, 2016--Dayen, David Americans still want to see some measure of justice for the misconduct that precipitated the financial crisis. But Monday's decision by an appeals court to throw out a $1.27 billion civil penalty against Bank of America will surely generate some despair. So few cases have even been attempted that when a successful one gets reversed, it can raise questions about whether there were any good ones to make in the first place.
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U.S. Fines Wells Fargo $70 Million Over Mortgage Practices
Reuters, May 25, 2016--Lambert, Lisa The U.S. Comptroller of the Currency fined Wells Fargo Bank $70 million on Wednesday over mortgage servicing but said it was ending business restrictions it had placed on the bank.
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Ocwen Cleared of Wrongdoing in Multi-Billion Dollar Mortgage Bond Fight
HousingWire, May 25, 2016--Lane, Ben A yearlong independent investigation initiated by Wells Fargo, the deals' master servicer, found no evidence of the litany of accusations made by Gibbs & Bruns on behalf of the investors, Ocwen is off the hook.
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A Mortgage for Millennials with Big Student Debts
National Mortgage News, May 24, 2016--Sichelman, Lew The extent to which student debt is keeping Millennials from buying homes is debatable. But for high-earning young professionals who are saddled with such loans, a Florida investment advisor says he has devised a path to homeownership.
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