Reports from Fitch Ratings, New York, and Veros Real Estate Solutions, Santa Ana, Calif., forecast sharp declines in home price appreciation over the next year.

Veros: Slightly Slower Home-Price Growth, Still-Booming Market in 2022
Veros Estate Solutions, Santa Ana, Calif., released its Q4 2021 VeroFORECAST data, projecting home prices will appreciate on average 6.8% for the next 12 months—slightly less anticipated growth compared to its third quarter predicted national average appreciation of 7%.

Veros: Home Price Gains to Roll into 2022
Veros Real Estate Solutions, Santa Ana, Calif., said home price appreciation shows no signs of slowing as 2022 approaches.

Cities in Western States Expected to Dominate Home Price Increases
Veros Real Estate Solutions, Santa Ana, Calif., released its Q1 2021 VeroFORECAST data that anticipates home price appreciation will increase significantly during the next 12 months in the 100 most-populated markets.

Veros: Home Prices Set to Increase Nearly 6% in 2021 as Nation Emerges From Pandemic
Veros Real Estate Solutions, Santa Ana, Calif., released its Q4-2020 VeroFORECAST data, projecting home price appreciation will increase significantly during the next 12 months in the 100 most-populated markets.

Forecasts See Little Letup in Home Price Growth, Despite Coronavirus
Reports from Veros Real Estate Solutions, Santa Ana, Calif., and Fitch Ratings, New York, said home prices will continue to climb, despite the coronavirus pandemic, well through 2021.

Veros: ‘Red State’ Home Appreciation Projects Higher in 2020
It’s an election year, and no matter how you try, you’re not going to get away from politics. Not here, nor in the housing market. So, take a sip of coffee and read on.

Veros: U.S. Real Estate Appreciation to Continue Throughout 2020
Veros Real Estate Solutions, Santa Ana, Calif., said its fourth quarter VeroFORECAST data project home prices in the nation’s 100 largest markets to increase by nearly 4 percent through December.