Online Home Shopping Activity Up—Way Up

Reports from Zillow, Seattle, and Redfin, Seattle suggest prospective home buyers are adapting to the Age of Coronavirus by significantly upping their online searches and tours.

Housing Shortage Brings Upsurge in Bidding Wars

Redfin, Seattle, said a majority of offers submitted by its agents faced competition in January, marking a return to widespread bidding wars that had largely dissipated over the past year.

Industry Briefs

OptifiNow, Buena Vista, Calif., announced Sun West Mortgage Co. launched its cloud-based CRM and marketing automation platform for wholesale, distributed retail and its Home Buyer Connect mortgage lending channels.

Industry Briefs

OptifiNow, Buena Vista, Calif., announced Sun West Mortgage Co. launched its cloud-based CRM and marketing automation platform for wholesale, distributed retail and its Home Buyer Connect mortgage lending channels.