As technologies and their principles pushed forth by digital transformation initiatives employing such as cloud, Web 3.0, decentralized finance (DeFi), and blockchain mortgage, the enterprise transactional mindsets and systems of record must evolve into stackable solutions—or risk stranding investments and customers on vendor platforms that cannot adapt to future requirements.
Tag: MPD Organizations LLC

Mark P. Dangelo: The Rapid Phase Shift of Organizational Competencies and Operational Mindsets
As technologies and their principles pushed forth by digital transformation initiatives employing such as cloud, Web 3.0, decentralized finance (DeFi), and blockchain mortgage, the enterprise transactional mindsets and systems of record must evolve into stackable solutions—or risk stranding investments and customers on vendor platforms that cannot adapt to future requirements.

Mark P. Dangelo: The Rapid Phase Shift of Organizational Competencies and Operational Mindsets
As technologies and their principles pushed forth by digital transformation initiatives employing such as cloud, Web 3.0, decentralized finance (DeFi), and blockchain mortgage, the enterprise transactional mindsets and systems of record must evolve into stackable solutions—or risk stranding investments and customers on vendor platforms that cannot adapt to future requirements.

Mark P. Dangelo: The Rapid Phase Shift of Organizational Competencies and Operational Mindsets
As technologies and their principles pushed forth by digital transformation initiatives employing such as cloud, Web 3.0, decentralized finance (DeFi), and blockchain mortgage, the enterprise transactional mindsets and systems of record must evolve into stackable solutions—or risk stranding investments and customers on vendor platforms that cannot adapt to future requirements.

Mark P. Dangelo: Digital Transformations Meet the Metaverse
Financial executives once thought that digital transformation initiatives represented a “one-and-done” series of projects to reduce paper, improve processes, and leverage technologies. That was then. Moving forward, these financial leaders will confirm if their digital transformations were enough to succeed in the next reality—the metaverse.

Mark P. Dangelo: Digital Transformations Meet the Metaverse
Financial executives once thought that digital transformation initiatives represented a “one-and-done” series of projects to reduce paper, improve processes, and leverage technologies. That was then. Moving forward, these financial leaders will confirm if their digital transformations were enough to succeed in the next reality—the metaverse.

Mark P. Dangelo: Digital Transformations Meet the Metaverse
Financial executives once thought that digital transformation initiatives represented a “one-and-done” series of projects to reduce paper, improve processes, and leverage technologies. That was then. Moving forward, these financial leaders will confirm if their digital transformations were enough to succeed in the next reality—the metaverse.

Mark P. Dangelo: Digital Transformations Meet the Metaverse
Financial executives once thought that digital transformation initiatives represented a “one-and-done” series of projects to reduce paper, improve processes, and leverage technologies. That was then. Moving forward, these financial leaders will confirm if their digital transformations were enough to succeed in the next reality—the metaverse.

Mark P. Dangelo: Digital Transformations Meet the Metaverse
Financial executives once thought that digital transformation initiatives represented a “one-and-done” series of projects to reduce paper, improve processes, and leverage technologies. That was then. Moving forward, these financial leaders will confirm if their digital transformations were enough to succeed in the next reality—the metaverse.

Mark P. Dangelo: Foretelling the Stories of ‘Ghosts of Yet to Come’ in 2022
For c-levels, the unknowns of 2022 represent a nightmarish Christmas Carol outcome. From technologies to personnel to regulatory compliance to political alignments to non-traditional competition to comprehensively unique business models, the sustainability challenges for financial services firms have never been greater.