A Year of Technological and Industry Convergence: Mark Dangelo

The promise and early results of innovative advancements—data, technology, AI—is delivering a waterfall of capabilities. However, these capabilities are often converging, requiring non-traditional integrations at a time with low loan profitability and personnel exiting the industry.

Mark P. Dangelo: Playing Chicken with the Data Freight Train

The “mastery” of data is not about how much you capture, how large your data warehouses or lakes become, or the native cloud provisioning solutions you deploy—it is about creating, sustaining, and utilizing a data supply chain already being deployed by non-traditional lenders.  To think otherwise is akin to “playing chicken” with a freight train—hoping somehow it will veer from its tracks and spare you.

Mark P. Dangelo: Playing Chicken with the Data Freight Train

The “mastery” of data is not about how much you capture, how large your data warehouses or lakes become, or the native cloud provisioning solutions you deploy—it is about creating, sustaining, and utilizing a data supply chain already being deployed by non-traditional lenders.  To think otherwise is akin to “playing chicken” with a freight train—hoping somehow it will veer from its tracks and spare you.

Mark P. Dangelo: Playing Chicken with the Data Freight Train

The “mastery” of data is not about how much you capture, how large your data warehouses or lakes become, or the native cloud provisioning solutions you deploy—it is about creating, sustaining, and utilizing a data supply chain already being deployed by non-traditional lenders.  To think otherwise is akin to “playing chicken” with a freight train—hoping somehow it will veer from its tracks and spare you.