Guild Mortgage, San Diego, introduced Payment Advantage, a new conventional loan program to help homebuyers save on their payments as rates continue to rise.
Tag: Guild Mortgage

Industry Briefs Oct. 6, 2022: HUD Allocates $28M to Fight Housing Discrimination
HUD announced $28,625,000 available to fair housing organizations across the nation working to fight housing discrimination. The funds will support a variety of activities, including fair housing education and outreach, testing and enforcement, through the Department’s Fair Housing Initiatives Program.

MBA’s Battany Urges Senate to Increase RHS Funding for Housing, Technology
David Battany, Co-Chair of the MBA Affordable Homeownership Advisory Council, told members of a Senate Banking subcommittee that policymakers can advance rural housing lending by addressing three areas: better workflow; better technology; and better loan products.

David Battany Represents MBA Today Before Senate Committee
David Battany, Vice President of Capital Markets with Guild Mortgage Co., San Diego, and a member of the MBA Residential Board of Governors, testifies this Tuesday, Sept. 20 before the Senate Banking Subcommittee on Housing, Transportation and Community Development for a hearing on Examining the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Rural Housing Service: Stakeholder Perspectives.

Industry Briefs Aug. 5, 2022: Fannie Mae Survey Cites Cost-Cutting as Top 2022 Business Priority
Fannie Mae, Washington, D.C., said mortgage lenders appear to be adapting their business priorities to meet what they believe are a new set of challenges, including weakened mortgage demand and rising rates.

Industry Briefs May 19, 2022: Narrow Gauge Capital Acquires Inco-Check LLC
Inco-Check LLC, Boston, announced Narrow Gauge Capital completed acquisition of a majority interest in the company.

Industry Briefs Apr. 28, 2022: FHFA Announces GSEs’ Duty to Serve Plans for 2022-2024
The Federal Housing Finance Agency published the 2022-2024 Underserved Markets Plans for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac under the Duty to Serve Program., which outline the government-sponsored enterprises’ commitment to serving manufactured housing, affordable housing preservation and rural housing.

Industry Briefs Apr. 21, 2022: Optimal Blue Launches Investor Pricing Insight
Optimal Blue, Jacksonville, Fla., released Investor Pricing Insight, a benchmarking tool that makes real-time pricing available to wholesale and correspondent mortgage investors on demand.

(Mortgage M&A Trends) Garth Graham of STRATMOR Group: Matching Buyers and Sellers
Whether you plan to buy or sell a company in 2021, these factors can greatly increase your chances of success.

J.D. Power: Record Origination Volume Causes Customer Satisfaction to Erode
There are two main takeaways from the J.D. Power 2021 U.S. Primary Mortgage Origination Satisfaction Study: first, there can be too much of a good thing; and second, Rocket Mortgage/Quicken Loans didn’t top the customer satisfaction list for the first time in 11 years.