Forecasts See Significant Slowing in Home Prices

Reports from Fitch Ratings, New York, and Veros Real Estate Solutions, Santa Ana, Calif., forecast sharp declines in home price appreciation over the next year.

Industry Briefs Oct. 6, 2022: HUD Allocates $28M to Fight Housing Discrimination

HUD announced $28,625,000 available to fair housing organizations across the nation working to fight housing discrimination. The funds will support a variety of activities, including fair housing education and outreach, testing and enforcement, through the Department’s Fair Housing Initiatives Program.

CMBS Loan Delinquency Rate Drops Below 2%

Fitch Ratings, New York, said the commercial mortgage-backed securities delinquency rate fell eight basis points in August to 1.97% due to continued strong resolutions and fewer new delinquencies.

Fitch: Rising Rates, Inflation Weigh on Insurance Sector

Fitch Ratings, Chicago, said inflationary pressures and a potential modest recession could pave the way for a revision of sector outlooks to “Deteriorating” for North American insurers before the year is out.

Housing Market Roundup Aug. 22 2022

Here’s a quick summary of housing/real estate finance articles that have come across the MBA NewsLink desk: