MBA Letter Addresses Concerns About FHFA Strategic Plan

The Mortgage Bankers Association, in comments to the Federal Housing Finance Agency, expressed support for many elements of the proposed FHFA five-year strategic plan while raising concerns on several issues.

FHFA Issues Final Rule Amending GSE Regulatory Capital Framework

The Federal Housing Finance Agency published a final rule that amends the Enterprise Regulatory Capital Framework by refining the prescribed leverage buffer amount and risk-based capital treatment of retained credit risk transfer exposures for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

January New Home Sales Down 4.5%

January new home sales fell by 4.5% amid supply chain and inventory shortages, HUD and the Census Bureau reported Thursday.

January Housing Starts Down 4.1%

Housing starts stumbled out the gate in January amid ongoing supply chain issues and labor shortages, HUD and the Census Bureau reported Thursday.