Mark P. Dangelo: Digital Transformation’s Hidden and Growing Corporate Liabilities

Digital transformation efforts are institutionalizing risks. While the past decade concentrated on understanding and leveraging “big data”, the next frontier of regulatory compliance and customer advocacy resides beyond the original digitized data—digital inferences and their (automated) conclusions.

Mark P. Dangelo: Digital Transformation’s Hidden and Growing Corporate Liabilities

Digital transformation efforts are institutionalizing risks. While the past decade concentrated on understanding and leveraging “big data”, the next frontier of regulatory compliance and customer advocacy resides beyond the original digitized data—digital inferences and their (automated) conclusions.

Mark P. Dangelo: Digital Transformation’s Hidden and Growing Corporate Liabilities

Digital transformation efforts are institutionalizing risks. While the past decade concentrated on understanding and leveraging “big data”, the next frontier of regulatory compliance and customer advocacy resides beyond the original digitized data—digital inferences and their (automated) conclusions.

Mark P. Dangelo: Digital Transformation’s Hidden and Growing Corporate Liabilities

Digital transformation efforts are institutionalizing risks. While the past decade concentrated on understanding and leveraging “big data”, the next frontier of regulatory compliance and customer advocacy resides beyond the original digitized data—digital inferences and their (automated) conclusions.

Mark P. Dangelo: Digital Transformations Meet the Metaverse

Financial executives once thought that digital transformation initiatives represented a “one-and-done” series of projects to reduce paper, improve processes, and leverage technologies. That was then. Moving forward, these financial leaders will confirm if their digital transformations were enough to succeed in the next reality—the metaverse.

Mark P. Dangelo: Digital Transformations Meet the Metaverse

Financial executives once thought that digital transformation initiatives represented a “one-and-done” series of projects to reduce paper, improve processes, and leverage technologies. That was then. Moving forward, these financial leaders will confirm if their digital transformations were enough to succeed in the next reality—the metaverse.

Mark P. Dangelo: Digital Transformations Meet the Metaverse

Financial executives once thought that digital transformation initiatives represented a “one-and-done” series of projects to reduce paper, improve processes, and leverage technologies. That was then. Moving forward, these financial leaders will confirm if their digital transformations were enough to succeed in the next reality—the metaverse.

Mark P. Dangelo: Digital Transformations Meet the Metaverse

Financial executives once thought that digital transformation initiatives represented a “one-and-done” series of projects to reduce paper, improve processes, and leverage technologies. That was then. Moving forward, these financial leaders will confirm if their digital transformations were enough to succeed in the next reality—the metaverse.

Mark P. Dangelo: Digital Transformations Meet the Metaverse

Financial executives once thought that digital transformation initiatives represented a “one-and-done” series of projects to reduce paper, improve processes, and leverage technologies. That was then. Moving forward, these financial leaders will confirm if their digital transformations were enough to succeed in the next reality—the metaverse.

Mark P. Dangelo: Accelerating ‘as a Service’ (aaS) Displaces Finance and Lending Traditions

The plethora of aaS over the past decade has within their silos been nothing short of a disruptive phase shift of hardware, network, data, and software consumption. However, what happens when these aaS offerings are merged, stacked, and branched to arrive at containers of agility and innovation all serving rapidly evolving customers and their expectations of how finance should be conducted?