MBA Weighs in on CFPB Fees

The Mortgage Bankers Association weighed in with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau regarding its request for comment on fees imposed by consumer financial product and service providers.

MBA Weighs in with CFPB Regarding Fees

The Mortgage Bankers Association weighed in with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau regarding its request for comment on fees imposed by consumer financial product and service providers.

CFPB: Rental Assistance Available as Eviction Moratorium Expiration Approaches

As the July 31 federal eviction moratorium expiration approaches, the Biden administration, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the Mortgage Bankers Association and industry groups are working together to inform apartment owners and renters about the rental assistance programs available to them.


“MBA appreciates and supports the Biden administration and CFPB awareness campaign to make sure tenants and landlords take advantage of the emergency rental assistance programs available to help cover rent, utilities and other housing costs. With the CDC nationwide eviction moratorium set to expire on July 31, we are working closely with our multifamily loan servicing members to communicate to their borrowers that billions of dollars is available to help tenants and landlords in need.”
–MBA President and CEO Bob Broeksmit, CMB.

Industry Briefs July 22, 2021

Covius, Denver, announced New American Funding implemented Covius Document Solutions for its default servicing operations. Specifically, New American will use Covius’ 50-state template library and on-demand printing services to prepare and deliver compliant pre-foreclosure/breach letters.