MBA Advocacy Update Jan. 31, 2022
Recently, MBA and a coalition of financial services trade associations filed a joint comment letter to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on its assessment of the HMDA Rule. Also last week, the CFPB issued a request for public comment seeking information on “fees that are not subject to competitive processes[.]”

IMB Talks: Staying Ahead in the Mortgage Industry in 2022
NASHVILLE, Tenn.—You’ve heard of “TED Talks;” now, welcome to “IMB Talks.” Here at the recent MBA Independent Mortgage Bankers Conference, several independent mortgage bankers took the stage to give their take on what’s happening in the mortgage banking industry—and challenges and opportunities facing IMBs in the months ahead.

Office Space Recovery Pauses
Office leasing activity slowed in December, according to two new reports.

MBA Chart of the Week: Mortgage Applications, Rates Since 2020
This week’s MBA Chart of the Week features Weekly Applications Survey data, re-indexed to January 2020, to highlight the most recent refinance and home purchase trends.
‘A Home for All’
NASHVILLE, Tenn.—When Kristy Fercho was elected as Chair of the Mortgage Bankers Association this past October, she announced an ambitious agenda aimed at improving diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace and greater opportunities for minority home borrowers.