MBA: Share of Loans in Forbearance Falls 4th Straight Week
The Mortgage Bankers Association’s latest Forbearance and Call Volume Survey showed loans now in forbearance decreased by 21 basis points to 8.18% of servicers’ portfolio volume for the week of July 5, from 8.39% the week before. MBA now estimates 4.1 million homeowners are in forbearance plans, down from 4.2 million the previous week.

MBA: May New Home Purchase Mortgage Applications Up 20% from May, 54% from Year Ago
The home building market continued to show signs of sharp recovery from the coronavirus economy, the Mortgage Bankers Association reported this morning, with June mortgage applications for new home purchases increasing by 54.1 percent from a year ago and by 20 percent from May.

Survey: Pandemic Forces Nearly Half of Renters to Postpone Homeownership Plans
RentCafe, Santa Barbara, Calif., said its survey of 7,000 renters found although one in 10 renters planned to by a home in 2020, nearly half have now delayed those plans because of the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

MBA Chart of the Week: Delinquency Status of Unpaid Principal Balance 2nd Quarter
The $3.7 trillion commercial and multifamily mortgage market is really a confederation of different capital sources, property types and geographic markets, all bound together by the provision of mortgage capital backed by investment property incomes and collateral value. Often, the overall market moves in tandem. At other times – like now – different segments act very differently.