Two-Thirds of Homes Underinsured, Matic Reports

Matic, Columbus, Ohio, released its mid-year premium trends report, finding that approximately two-thirds of homes are underinsured, largely due to insurance policies that fail to reflect construction costs or home improvements.

Matic: Challenges in Home Insurance Market Likely to Continue

Matic, Columbus, Ohio, in a recent year-end report noted 79% of mortgage lenders experienced an increase in problems with home insurance in the past year, among other challenges. Moreover, the company predicted such challenges may persist into 2024.

DBRS Morningstar Warns About Insurance and Property Values in Coastal Areas

DBRS Morningstar, Toronto, released a new analysis warning about the impacts of climate change–including hurricanes–on property insurance in vulnerable areas. Insurance companies are exiting catastrophe-prone areas, DBRS Morningstar said, potentially leading to a decline in property values.

Natural Disasters, Insurance Landscape Cause Industry Disruptions, Panelists Say

WASHINGTON–Amid a cascading series of natural disasters, the homeowners’ insurance market has been seriously disrupted, and is likely to remain that way for the foreseeable future, panelists said at the Mortgage Bankers Association’s Compliance and Risk Management conference.