ATTOM, Irvine, Calif., said profit margins on median-priced single-family home sales across the United States dipped to 47.2 percent in the first quarter – the first quarterly decline since late 2019 and the largest in a decade.

Home Flipping Profits Fall to 10-Year Low
Although home flipping increased by more than 26 percent in 2021, ATTOM, Irvine, Calif., said gross profit margins fell to their lowest level in 10 years and at a pace not seen in 15 years.

1Q ‘Zombie’ Properties Edge Down Despite Uptick in Foreclosure Activity
ATTOM, Irvine, Calif., reported a drop in vacant “zombie” properties in the first quarter despite an increase in foreclosure activity for the second straight quarter.

Strong Housing Market Boosts Sharp Rise in Homeowner Equity
ATTOM, Irvine, Calif., said mortgage residential properties considered “equity-rich” jumped to nearly 42 percent in the fourth quarter as rising home prices boosted homeowner equity.

ATTOM: Foreclosure Activity Falls to Record Low
ATTOM, Irvine, Calif., released its Year-End 2021 U.S. Foreclosure Market Report, which shows foreclosure filings fell to their lowest level since 2005.

Housing Affordability Concerns Intensify
Reports from First American Financial Corp., Santa Ana, Calif., and ATTOM, Irvine, Calif., show rising home prices and inflation are taking a bigger bite out of housing affordability entering the new year.

3Q Home Flipping Profit Margins Drop to 10-Year Low
ATTOM, Irvine, Calif., said home-flipping became more popular in the third quarter—but it wasn’t as profitable.

3Q Equity-Rich Properties Soar to New Highs
ATTOM, Irvine, Calif., said a record 39.5 percent of mortgaged residential properties in the United States were considered equity-rich in the third quarter.

4th Quarter ‘Zombie’ Foreclosures Decline, But Possible Increase Looms
ATTOM, Irvine, Calif., released its fourth-quarter Vacant Property and Zombie Foreclosure Report, showing 1.3 million residential properties in the United States sit vacant, representing 1.3 percent, or one in 75 homes, in the U.S.

ATTOM: Foreclosure Activity Sees Uptick as Moratoria Lift
ATTOM, Irvine, Calif., said third-quarter foreclosure filings rose by 34 percent from the second quarter and by 68 percent from a year ago.