MBA: 3Q Mortgage Delinquencies Fall to New Survey Low
The Mortgage Bankers Association on Thursday released its 3rd Quarter National Delinquency Survey, reporting delinquency rate for mortgage loans on one-to-four-unit residential properties fell to its lowest level since the Survey’s inception.

FHFA Announces 2023 Multifamily Loan Purchase Caps for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac
The Federal Housing Finance Agency on Friday announced 2023 multifamily loan purchase caps for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will be $75 billion for each Enterprise (for a total of $150 billion).

MBA Announces 2023 Affordable Homeownership Advisory Council Membership
The Mortgage Bankers Association announced members of its 2023 Affordable Homeownership Advisory Council. The Affordable Homeownership Advisory Council was formed in 2019 to provide important strategic and practical guidance to MBA’s CONVERGENCE Initiative, the association’s affordable housing effort.

3Q Fraud Index Shows Increase in Multifamily Risk
CoreLogic, Irvine, Calif., said its National Mortgage Fraud Risk Index showed little change in the third quarter, although it noted a “significant” increase in risk levels for multifamily purchases.