Share of Mortgage Loans in Forbearance Decreases to 3.26%
The Mortgage Bankers Association’s latest Forbearance and Call Volume Survey reported loans now in forbearance decreased by 14 basis points to 3.26% of servicers’ portfolio volume as of August 8 from 3.40% the previous week. MBA now estimates 1.6 million homeowners are in forbearance plans.

July Foreclosure Activity Dips Slightly
ATTOM, Irvine, Calif., released its July U.S. Foreclosure Market Report, showing 12,483 U.S. properties with foreclosure filings, down 4 percent from a month ago but up 40 percent from a year ago.

CFPB: Mortgage Servicers’ Pandemic Response Varies Significantly
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on Tuesday published a report detailing 16 large mortgage servicers’ COVID-19 pandemic response. The report showed a disparate response in call metrics, exit metrics and other measures.

The New Census Figures: a Breakdown
The Census Bureau last week released preliminary results from its 2020 Census, showing a United States in the midst of demographic transition.