Although there are significant variations by market, Housing Choice Voucher use remains limited in high opportunity areas compared with areas of concentrated poverty, according to Freddie Mac Multifamily, McLean, Va.
Tag: Sara Hoffman

Freddie Mac Forecasts Low Rent Growth Amid High-Supply Headwinds
Freddie Mac Multifamily, McLean, Va., expects multifamily performance to remain muted for the remainder of the year as the market works through a historically high supply of new units.

Freddie Mac: Multifamily Demand Returning Slowly in Uncertain Economic Climate
Freddie Mac, McLean, Va., projects the multifamily market will continue to stabilize but see below-average growth through the rest of the year.

Freddie Mac: Multifamily Demand Returning Slowly in Uncertain Economic Climate
Freddie Mac, McLean, Va., projects the multifamily market will continue to stabilize but see below-average growth through the rest of the year.

Freddie Mac Multifamily: Apartment Investment Market Index Rises
Freddie Mac Multifamily reported its Apartment Investment Market Index rose by 5.3% in the first quarter but decreased year over year, with the annual index down 16.6%.