Data is the “dark matter” of M&A events. Data is made even more important with widespread digital transformations of processes, predictive analytics, and advanced machine learning. During an M&A event, the cascading challenges to leverage these siloed data innovations across Industry 4.0 ecosystems requires a framework that moves beyond the prescriptive, one-size-fits-all strategy.
Tag: MPD Organizations LLC

Mark P. Dangelo: The Dark Matter Transforming M&A Post-Deal Landscapes, Part 3
Data is the “dark matter” of M&A events. Data is made even more important with widespread digital transformations of processes, predictive analytics, and advanced machine learning. During an M&A event, the cascading challenges to leverage these siloed data innovations across Industry 4.0 ecosystems requires a framework that moves beyond the prescriptive, one-size-fits-all strategy.

Mark P. Dangelo: The Dark Matter Transforming M&A Post-Deal Landscapes, Part 3
Data is the “dark matter” of M&A events. Data is made even more important with widespread digital transformations of processes, predictive analytics, and advanced machine learning. During an M&A event, the cascading challenges to leverage these siloed data innovations across Industry 4.0 ecosystems requires a framework that moves beyond the prescriptive, one-size-fits-all strategy.

Mark P. Dangelo: The Dark Matter Transforming M&A Post-Deal Landscapes, Part 2
M&A events in the Age of Industry 4.0 have moved beyond scale and into the digital clarity achieved by the combination of firms using curated data necessary to profit from vast ecosystems of financial products and services across channels and consumers. Financial and private equity firms that target and conduct due diligence solely on financial engineering will become footnotes in history.

Mark P. Dangelo: The Dark Matter Transforming M&A Post-Deal Landscapes, Part 2
M&A events in the Age of Industry 4.0 have moved beyond scale and into the digital clarity achieved by the combination of firms using curated data necessary to profit from vast ecosystems of financial products and services across channels and consumers. Financial and private equity firms that target and conduct due diligence solely on financial engineering will become footnotes in history.

Mark P. Dangelo: The Dark Matter Transforming M&A Post-Deal Landscapes, Part 2
M&A events in the Age of Industry 4.0 have moved beyond scale and into the digital clarity achieved by the combination of firms using curated data necessary to profit from vast ecosystems of financial products and services across channels and consumers. Financial and private equity firms that target and conduct due diligence solely on financial engineering will become footnotes in history.

Mark P. Dangelo: The Dark Matter Transforming M&A Post-Deal Landscapes, Part 2
M&A events in the Age of Industry 4.0 have moved beyond scale and into the digital clarity achieved by the combination of firms using curated data necessary to profit from vast ecosystems of financial products and services across channels and consumers. Financial and private equity firms that target and conduct due diligence solely on financial engineering will become footnotes in history.

Mark P. Dangelo: The Dark Matter Transforming M&A Post-Deal Landscapes, Part 2
M&A events in the Age of Industry 4.0 have moved beyond scale and into the digital clarity achieved by the combination of firms using curated data necessary to profit from vast ecosystems of financial products and services across channels and consumers. Financial and private equity firms that target and conduct due diligence solely on financial engineering will become footnotes in history.

Mark P. Dangelo: The Dark Matter Transforming M&A Post-Deal Landscapes, Part 1
Industry 4.0 for banking and financial services is changing the landscape of the who, what, where, why, and how of M&A targets and post-deal actions. Prescriptions are out—a new framework is in due to non-stop deals, vast data, and layers upon layers of new innovations. M&A actions moving forward are all about “Are we asking the right questions?”

Mark P. Dangelo: The Dark Matter Transforming M&A Post-Deal Landscapes, Part 1
Industry 4.0 for banking and financial services is changing the landscape of the who, what, where, why, and how of M&A targets and post-deal actions. Prescriptions are out—a new framework is in due to non-stop deals, vast data, and layers upon layers of new innovations. M&A actions moving forward are all about “Are we asking the right questions?”