Dave Parker: CFPB’s New Attitude Toward HMDA Fuels Need for Better Tools

As it typically happens with a new presidential administration, there’s a new attitude in Washington toward the housing market. And one of the most significant changes has been the CFPB’s recent decision to roll back flexibility when reporting Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data. But are lenders ready?

Dave Parker: CFPB’s New Attitude Toward HMDA Fuels Need for Better Tools

As it typically happens with a new presidential administration, there’s a new attitude in Washington toward the housing market. And one of the most significant changes has been the CFPB’s recent decision to roll back flexibility when reporting Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data. But are lenders ready?

Dave Parker: CFPB’s New Attitude Toward HMDA Fuels Need for Better Tools

As it typically happens with a new presidential administration, there’s a new attitude in Washington toward the housing market. And one of the most significant changes has been the CFPB’s recent decision to roll back flexibility when reporting Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data. But are lenders ready?

Michael Miller: Bridging the Digital Divide of People, Process & Technology

Bill Belichick, one of the most successful coaches in professional football history, once said a team is “not the strength of the individual players, but it is the strength of the unit and how they all function together.” Such wisdom surely resonates with many business leaders in our industry. But how well do they live by it?

STRATMOR: Many Lenders Buying, But Not Fully Implementing Technology

A new study by STRATMOR Group, Greenwood Village, Colo., found while mortgage lenders have been buying and installing technology at a rapid pace since the COVID-19 pandemic began, many aren’t actually using it to their full potential.

Adam Batayeh: What Mortgage Lenders Can Learn from Tesla

Historically a cyclical business, mortgage lending has experienced substantial increases in volume, forcing lenders to throttle up their efforts, but those without an intelligent Loan Manufacturing (iLM) plan have been left with more challenges.

Paul Weakley: The Art of Engineering

So, just how do architects, stakeholders, product owners, designers and users better interact with a mortgage software engineer? The first step is to understand what an engineer is and does.

Paul Weakley: The Art of Engineering

So, just how do architects, stakeholders, product owners, designers and users better interact with a mortgage software engineer? The first step is to understand what an engineer is and does.