MBA Chart of the Week: New, Existing Home Sales

We are forecasting a weak start to 2023 for the housing market. Driven by a recession in the first half of the year and a continuation of the trends outlined above, we expect a 13% drop in existing home sales and a 4% decrease in new home sales for 2023, following 16% decreases in both segments in 2022.

MBA Chart of the Week: New, Existing Home Sales

We are forecasting a weak start to 2023 for the housing market. Driven by a recession in the first half of the year and a continuation of the trends outlined above, we expect a 13% drop in existing home sales and a 4% decrease in new home sales for 2023, following 16% decreases in both segments in 2022.

MBA Chart of the Week Dec. 16, 2022: Federal Funds Rate Projections

In an effort to increase transparency after the Great Recession, one of the Federal Open Market Committee communication initiatives under Chairman Ben Bernanke was to publish individual members’ assessments of the economy in the Summary of Economic Projections. In this week’s MBA Chart of the Week, we track changes in policymakers’ quarterly published SEP forecasts of the federal funds rate over the past eight quarters.

Fed Slows Pace of Rate Hikes, But Hints at More

In its final policy meeting of an eventful year, the Federal Open Market Committee on Wednesday raised the federal funds rate for the seventh straight meeting, but by 50 basis points instead of 75 basis points, as it had for the past four times.

Fed Slows Pace of Rate Hikes, But Hints at More

In its final policy meeting of an eventful year, the Federal Open Market Committee on Wednesday raised the federal funds rate for the seventh straight meeting, but by 50 basis points instead of 75 basis points, as it had for the past four times.

MBA Chart of the Week Nov. 18, 2022: Return to Office Rates

This week’s Chart of the Week highlights data from Kastle Systems for November 3-9, showing the range of daily occupancy rates for 10 major metros. For these metros, the lowest average occupancy rate for a particular day of the week was 32.2 percent, and the highest was 56.0 percent, compared to essentially 100 percent occupancy pre-pandemic for most days.