FHFA, HUD Suspend Foreclosures/Evictions for 60 Days

HUD and the Federal Housing Finance Agency a short while ago announced they would suspend foreclosures and evictions for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and FHA mortgages for at least the next 60 days amid the coronavirus pandemic.

FHFA, HUD Suspend Foreclosures/Evictions for 60 Days

HUD and the Federal Housing Finance Agency a short while ago announced they would suspend foreclosures and evictions for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and FHA mortgages for at least the next 60 days amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The Latest on LIBOR Transition with MBA’s Andrew Foster, Dan Fichtler

MBA NewsLink interviewed Mortgage Bankers Association Associate Vice President of Housing Finance Policy Dan Fichtler and Associate Vice President of Commercial/Multifamily Andrew Foster about the transition away from the London Interbank Offered Rate to a successor index for floating-rate loans.

MBA, Trade Groups Give HUD Feedback on CWCOT Program

The Mortgage Bankers Association, the Housing Policy Council and the National Mortgage Servicing Association submitted joint comments to HUD on its proposed enhancements to its Claims Without Conveyance of Title (CWCOT) Program).

MBA, Trade Groups Give HUD Feedback on CWCOT Program

The Mortgage Bankers Association, the Housing Policy Council and the National Mortgage Servicing Association submitted joint comments to HUD on its proposed enhancements to its Claims Without Conveyance of Title (CWCOT) Program).

MBA, Trade Groups Renew Pressure for Senate Action on Montgomery, Woll Nominations

Last October, the Trump Administration nominated FHA Commissioner Brian Montgomery to serve as HUD Deputy Secretary. Despite a favorable vote by the Senate Banking Committee and strong support from trade groups such as the Mortgage Bankers Association, a Senate confirmation vote has yet to take place.

HUD Proposes Enhancements to CWCOT Procedures

HUD, in a draft Mortgagee Letter, proposes to enhance FHA’s Claims Without Conveyance of Title (CWCOT) procedures, a development welcomed by the Mortgage Bankers Association.

HUD Proposes Enhancements to CWCOT Procedures

HUD, in a draft Mortgagee Letter, proposes to enhance FHA’s Claims Without Conveyance of Title (CWCOT) procedures, a development welcomed by the Mortgage Bankers Association.

Mild January Spurs New Home Sales

Mild January weather led to a strong jump in new home sales, HUD and the Census Bureau reported yesterday.

Industry Briefs

OptifiNow, Buena Vista, Calif., announced Sun West Mortgage Co. launched its cloud-based CRM and marketing automation platform for wholesale, distributed retail and its Home Buyer Connect mortgage lending channels.