Senate Confirms Dana Wade as FHA Commissioner

he Senate yesterday confirmed Dana Wade as FHA Commissioner by a 57-40 vote. The Mortgage Bankers Association strongly supported Wade’s nomination.

HUD Terminates Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule

The Trump Administration yesterday abruptly terminated the Obama-era Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule, replacing it with a new rule that HUD Secretary Ben Carson said would ease burdens for local communities dealing with fair housing.

Housing Starts Post Healthy June Gain

July has been a good month for the housing industry thus far; HUD and the Census Bureau kept the momentum going Friday with a positive report on housing starts.

MBA Asks HUD to Withhold Publication of Final Disparate Impact Rule

The Mortgage Bankers Association last night asked HUD to withhold publication of its final disparate rule, citing “legitimate concerns” that the rule erodes protections needed to combat housing discrimination and systemic inequality.

Industry Briefs July 14, 2020

FirstClose Inc., Austin, Texas, a provider of technology platforms for banks and credit unions, partnered with Temenos, a banking software company. With integration of the FirstClose ONE platform into Temenos Infinity Loan Origination, customers can order instant and bundled reports on credit, flood, valuation, tax and title directly from the loan origination system.

May New Home Sales Post Healthy 16.6% Gain

Home buyer enthusiasm for new homes intensified in May, HUD and the Census Bureau reported yesterday, jumping by 16.6 percent from April and by nearly 13 percent from a year ago.

Dealmaker: Merchants Capital Arranges $83M

Merchants Capital, Carmel, Ind., secured $82.9 million in financing for a Cincinnati mixed-use property and affordable housing in Joliet, Ill.