Redfin: Home Sales Post First Annual Decline in 15 Months

Redfin, Seattle, reported home sales fell on a monthly and annual basis in August for the first time since May 2020, although home prices continued to rise at a double-digit annual pace.

High-End Home Sales Twice as Fast as Mid-Range Homes

High-end home purchases U.S. jumped by 26% year over year during the three months ending April 30, compared to a 17.8% gain in purchases of affordable homes and a 14.8% increase in purchases of mid-priced homes, reported Redfin, Seattle.

MBA Chart of the Week: Home Sales and Purchase Applications

As the U.S. economy works its way through the current pandemic and recession, housing has been a clear bright spot in an otherwise dire time. This week’s chart highlights the “V” shaped recovery exhibited by various measures of housing health.

Record Share of Homebuyers Make Sight-Unseen Offers

Redfin, Seattle, said nearly half (45%) of people who bought a home in the past year made an offer on a property that they hadn’t seen in person, the highest share since at least 2015.

RE/MAX: June Home Sales Amid Strong Home Buyer Demand

Despite record low inventories, RE/MAX, Denver said June home sales posted a solid 37 percent gain as more states loosened stay-at-home mandates stemming from the coronavirus pandemic.

Analysts: Missing Spring Home Sales to Disperse over ‘Years’

When the coronavirus pandemic turned the economy upside down, anxiety and uncertainty about the future initially kept many home buyers and sellers at bay. Inventory and sales have picked up over the past month, though, and a panel of housing experts and economists sponsored by Zillow, Seattle, say the U.S. housing market hasn’t lost those missing springtime transactions for good. But it could take years for a full recovery.