Imagine a widow wanting to relocate to a cozy, manageable home for her golden years. With today’s higher mortgage rates and the high cost of living, her dream can feel out of reach. But what if there was a way to make it easier?

Joe Langner: HECMs Shield Seniors from Investment Sequence Risk in Turbulent Times
eniors are being especially hard hit by the health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Compounding worries of being among the population’s most vulnerable to the disease is the prospect of premature retirement portfolio depletion due to sequence of returns risk (sequence risk) in a volatile market.

Joe Langner: HECMs Shield Seniors from Investment Sequence Risk in Turbulent Times
Seniors are being especially hard hit by the health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, homeowners are not entirely at the mercy of a fickle financial market. There are tools available to help retirees limit their sequence risk. One of the more effective being the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage.

FHA Actuarial Report Shows MMI Fund Capital Ratio at 12-Year High
FHA released its 2019 Annual Report to Congress this morning, showing the FHA Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund–which fell to dangerously low levels earlier in the decade–rose to its highest level since fiscal year 2007.

FHA Actuarial Report Shows MMI Fund Capital Ratio at 12-Year High
FHA released its 2019 Annual Report to Congress, showing the FHA Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund–which fell to dangerously low levels earlier in the decade–rose to its highest level since fiscal year 2007.