FHFA Extends COVID-19 Multifamily Forbearance

The Federal Housing Finance Agency said Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will continue to offer COVID-19 forbearance to qualifying multifamily property owners as needed, subject to tenant protections the agency imposed during the pandemic.

MISMO Fall Summit: Building Confidence and Efficiency into Non-Agency Data Exchanges

CRYSTAL CITY, VA.–An efficient private-label securities market requires that investors have confidence in their understanding of asset quality for their deals. But questions remain, according to panelists here at the MISMO Fall Summit–and ongoing work under the auspices of MISMO is poised to help provide much-needed data standardization.

Housing Market Roundup Sept. 21, 2021

It’s another busy week for housing reports—and it’s only Tuesday! Here are some reports of interest that crossed the MBA NewsLink desk:

MBA Advocacy Update Sept. 20 2021

On Tuesday, following months of MBA advocacy, the Treasury Department and FHFA suspended certain limits on the business activities of the GSEs. On Wednesday, FHFA also announced a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to amend the Enterprise Regulatory Capital Framework Rule.