The Mortgage Bankers Association, in a July 14 letter to House leadership, urged the House to approve key industry-supported provisions for FHA in the federal government’s fiscal 2021 proposed budget.
Tag: FHA

MBA Urges House to Support FY2021 T-HUD Priorities
The Mortgage Bankers Association, in a July 14 letter to House leadership, urged the House to approve key industry-supported provisions for FHA in the federal government’s fiscal 2021 proposed budget.

FHA Issues Temporary Waiver Suspending Early Payment Default Reviews
The Federal Housing Administration on Monday issued a temporary waiver of its Single-Family Housing Policy Handbook 4000.1 to temporarily suspend the requirement that mortgagees select and review all Early Payment Defaults on a monthly basis.

FHA Issues Temporary Waiver Suspending Early Payment Default Reviews
The Federal Housing Administration yesterday issued a temporary waiver of its Single Family Housing Policy Handbook4000.1 to temporarily suspend the requirement that mortgagees select and review all Early Payment Defaults on a monthly basis.

Richard Ferguson: Preserving Down Payment Options in a Disruptive Market
There is no downplaying the destruction the COVID-19 pandemic has had on our economy and the financial lives of millions of Americans. But it is also threatening the up-and-coming generation of home buyers, particularly minorities.

Richard Ferguson: Preserving Down Payment Options in a Disruptive Market
There is no downplaying the destruction the COVID-19 pandemic has had on our economy and the financial lives of millions of Americans. But it is also threatening the up-and-coming generation of home buyers, particularly minorities.

FHFA, FHA Extend Foreclosure/Eviction Moratorium to Aug. 31
The Federal Housing Finance Agency and HUD announced Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and FHA will extend their single-family moratorium on foreclosures and evictions until at least August 31.

Dealmaker: Love Funding Closes $31M for Multifamily, Nursing Properties
Love Funding, Washington, D.C., closed $31.1 million for multifamily and nursing properties in Tennessee and Missouri.

For Single Women, Minorities, Divergent Paths on Homeownership
Two reports show that homeownership opportunities for key segments of the economy—single women and minorities—continue to move in different directions.

MBA, Trade Groups Urge HUD to Modify FHA Forbearance Indemnification Policy
Sixteen industry trade organizations joined the Mortgage Bankers Association in a letter this week to HUD, expressing concerns with a recently announced FHA policy requiring lenders to provide 20 percent indemnification of the original loan amount for up to two years in relation to borrowers who enter into forbearance due to COVID19-related hardship after closing and prior to FHA insuring their loan.