Timothy Raty of Mortgage Cadence: USDA and the GSEs’ New Uniform Security Instruments

While Rural Development’s requirements lack details specific to the content of the security instruments used, they do have plenty of other requirements regarding the servicing of a loan which may not be completely compatible with the covenants within the SIs. The following summarizes the types of conflicts, additional requirements and near conflicts that may exist

MBA Offers Recommendations on FHFA GSE Equitable Housing Finance Plans

The Mortgage Bankers Association this week sent a letter to the Federal Housing Finance Agency, offering recommendation to improve Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s efforts to address long-standing challenges related to housing equity and the racial homeownership gap.

MBA Offers Recommendations on FHFA GSE Equitable Housing Finance Plans

The Mortgage Bankers Association this week sent a letter to the Federal Housing Finance Agency, offering recommendation to improve Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s efforts to address long-standing challenges related to housing equity and the racial homeownership gap.