CFPB: Consumer Complaints Higher in Predominantly Minority Areas

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau issued a bulletin this week analyzing complaints submitted by consumers in counties nationwide. The Bureau reported in 2019 and 2020, it received more complaints on a per-capita basis from consumers living in predominantly minority counties than from consumers in predominantly white, non-Hispanic counties.

Industry Briefs Nov. 3, 2020

News in brief from SimpleNexus, Black Knight, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and TovoData.

MBA Advocacy Update Sept. 14, 2020

With Congress (most notably the Senate) unable to reach consensus on the passage of any additional COVID-related economic relief, MBA sent a letter last Tuesday to the CFPB responding to the Bureau’s proposed rule revising the General QM definition. The letter explains MBA’s support for the price-based QM construct, and offers several recommendations to help ensure the rule meets its stated goals of robust consumer protections and broad access to sustainable credit.

MBA Advocacy Update Aug. 10, 2020

As congressional leaders and the administration remain deadlocked in negotiations on the next potential COVID-19 relief package, MBA’s advocacy on key federal regulatory and state-based actions has continued.