The Senate this week passed a massive infrastructure package. How to pay for it remains a sticking point; the Mortgage Bankers Association’s grassroots advocacy arm, the Mortgage Action Alliance, wants to make sure lawmakers preserve key tax provisions that enable the real estate finance industry to support their customers.
Tag: Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework

MBA, Trade Groups Oppose Amendment Altering False Claims Act
As the Senate plods toward what appears to be eventual passage of a massive infrastructure framework, the Mortgage Bankers Association and several other industry trade groups expressed opposition to an amendment that would unfavorably alter the False Claims Act.

MBA MAA ‘Call to Action’ on GSE ‘G-Fees’
The Mortgage Bankers Association’s grassroots advocacy arm, the Mortgage Action Alliance, issued a ‘Call to Action’ on Monday to its 70,000-plus members urging them to tell their elected officials to not use government-sponsored enterprise guaranty fees (g-fees) as a source of funding offsets.