MBA Publishes Expanding Affordable Rental Housing Opportunities: A Progress Update

(Expanding Affordable Rental Housing Opportunities: A Progress Update)
The Mortgage Bankers Association published a progress report on MBA 2023 Chair Matt Rocco’s priority, Affordable Rental Housing Strategy: Expanding Affordable Rental Housing Opportunities.
This strategy demonstrates MBA’s dedication to overcoming the obstacles to sustainable housing for individuals and communities of color. It aims to expand the availability of affordable rental housing, promote wealth creation and stability through homeownership, and address the needs of marginalized populations.
MBA has made significant advancements in achieving these goals through advocacy, partnerships, and industry connections. It has worked toward increasing the availability of affordable multifamily housing, providing educational opportunities for renters to achieve homeownership stability, clarifying industry definitions of affordable housing, and supporting minority professionals in the field.
“The Affordable Rental Housing Strategy reflects the essential need for affordable rental housing in our society,” Rocco said. “Through policies, programs, best practices, and public-private partnerships, MBA is making a targeted effort to increase affordable rental housing and support a wider community of renters and potential homeowners. I can’t wait to see this incredible work continue.”
MBA and its members will continue to work with private, public, and nonprofit partners to advance efforts to expand affordable and sustainable housing opportunities. By working constructively and focusing on the right objectives, we can make a difference in ways that help renters, aspiring homebuyers, current homeowners, and our members in the communities in which they live and work.