MBA’s Battany Urges Senate to Increase RHS Funding for Housing, Technology
David Battany, Co-Chair of the MBA Affordable Homeownership Advisory Council, told members of a Senate Banking subcommittee that policymakers can advance rural housing lending by addressing three areas: better workflow; better technology; and better loan products.

MBA Weekly Survey Sept. 21, 2022: Applications, Interest Rates Rise
Mortgage applications rose for the first time in six weeks despite another sharp jump in mortgage interest rates, the Mortgage Bankers Association reported Wednesday in its Weekly Mortgage Applications Survey for the week ending Sept. 16.

August Housing Starts Rise; Drop in Permits Casts Shadow
The good news: August housing starts beat expectations, rising by more than 12 percent from July. The bad news: housing permits fell just as dramatically, lending uncertainty to an already volatile 2022 housing market.

Push to Modernize Spurs Industrial Construction
The advanced age of U.S. warehouses--43 years on average--is spurring record construction as big e-commerce and retail distributors demand larger, more modern facilities, reported CBRE, Dallas.

MBA Builder Applications Survey Up 17% from July
The Mortgage Bankers Association Builder Applications Survey reported mortgage applications for new home purchases in August rose by 17 percent from July—the first monthly increase in four months—but fell by 10.1 percent from a year ago.

MISMO Releases New Reference Model for Public Comment
MISMO®, the real estate finance industry standards organization, seeks public comment on Version 3.6 of the MISMO Reference Model, which includes new data points and structures related to a number of important industry business, regulatory and investor changes.