MBA Commends House Passage of VA Appraisal Modernization Legislation
The House yesterday passed H.R. 7735, the Improving Access to the VA Home Loan Benefit Act of 2022. The Mortgage Bankers Association commended its passage.

#MBARMQA22: When Good Fraud Investigations Go Bad
NASHVILLE, TENN.—Kip Mendrygal, Partner with Locke Lord LLP, Dallas, says he’s seen a lot of weird stuff in his 20-plus years of investigating mortgage fraud.

#MBARMQA22: Risk Management Executive Perspectives
Mortgage executives here at the MBA Risk Management, QA and Fraud Prevention Forum offered insights on leading their organizations through today’s lending environment, maintaining quality operations, managing credit risk and governing organizations in unpredictable times.

MISMO Seeks Nominations for Standards Governance Committee Members
MISMO® seeks nominations for qualified industry professionals to serve on MISMO’s Standards Governance Committees for a two-year term beginning in January 2023. Positions are available on both the Residential and Commercial Standards Governance Committees.

Housing Market Roundup Sept. 15, 2022
Here’s a quick summary of recent housing market reports that have come across the MBA NewsLink desk:

Institutional Investors Lower Return Expectations
Institutional investors are lowering their real estate return expectations, the Pension Real Estate Association reported.

#MBARMQA22: Focusing on the Weakest Links
NASHVILLE, TENN.—The housing market today is nothing like 2008, said Christa Lynn Greco, IA with the Criminal Investigative Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington, D.C. But she said changing market conditions make the potential for mortgage fraud ever-present.