The Week Ahead, Sept. 12, 2022: What You Need to Know

NASHVILLE, TENN.—Good morning and happy Monday! MBA NewsLink comes to you here from the MBA Risk Management, QA and Fraud Prevention Forum.
The Forum runs through Tuesday, Sept. 13. NewsLink will provide on-site coverage.For more information, click here.
Here’s what else is happening this week:
First, MBA Reports. MBA releases its monthly Mortgage Credit Availability Index this Tuesday Sept. 13, with commentary and analysis from MBA Associate Vice President of Economic and Industry Forecasting Joel Kan.
MBA also releases its Weekly Applications Survey this Wednesday, Sept. 14, with Kan again providing commentary and analysis.
Second, Other Economic Reports. Here are this week’s other economic and housing reports; those that MBA NewsLink will cover are in italics:
Monday: (no reports)
Tuesday: MBA Mortgage Credit Availability Index; Consumer Price Index
Wednesday: MBA Weekly Applications Survey
Thursday: Initial Claims; Advance Retail Sales; Empire State Manufacturing Survey; Imports/Exports; Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Survey; Industrial Production/Capacity Utilization; Business Inventories
Friday: University of Michigan Consumer Survey (preliminary)
Third, Congress. The House and Senate are in session, working on appropriations bills and other legislation with one far-reaching goal: to avoid a government shutdown ahead of Election Day. No one seems to want that, but in such an atmosphere, some legislators see opportunities for leverage. No one is panicking yet; but some chess moves are being made.
The Senate Banking Committee and the House Financial Service Committee are back in action this week. On Tuesday, Sept. 13, the Senate Banking Committee holds a hearing on New Consumer Financial Products and the Impacts to Workers.
The hearing begins at 10:00 a.m. ET in Dirksen Senate Office Building 538 and can be accessed online here.
Securities and Exchange Commisssion Chair Gary Gensler visits the Senate Banking Committee on Thursday, Sept. 15 for a hearing, Oversight of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. It begins at 10:00 a.m. ET in 538 Dirksen and can be accessed online here.
The House Financial Services Committee holds a hearing this Wednesday, Sept. 14, on When Banks Leave: The Impacts of De-Risking on the Caribbean and Strategies for Ensuring Financial Access. The hearing begins at 10:00 a.m. ET in 2128 Rayburn House Office Building and can be accessed online here.
For more information about the House and Senate, visit www.house.gov and www.senate.gov, respectively. For more information about upcoming hearings in the Senate Banking Committee, click https://www.banking.senate.gov/hearings. For more information about upcoming hearings in the House Financial Services Committee, click https://financialservices.house.gov/calendar/?EventTypeID=577&Congress=117.
Fourth, MBA Conferences. The MBA Annual Convention & Expo is less than two months away. The biggest real estate finance industry event of the year takes place Oct. 23-26 at the Music City Center in Nashville.
Academy Award-winning actress, singer and dancer Rita Moreno; former House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis.; and legendary basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski will deliver keynote remarks. And Concert MBA this year features Darius Rucker.
For more information and to register, click here.
Here is a list of other upcoming MBA conferences:
Sept.15-17: NAMMBA Connect 2022, Orlando, Fla.
Sept. 18-20: MBA Regulatory Compliance Conference, Grand Hyatt Washington, D.C.
Oct. 5-6: MBA Commercial/Multifamily Marketing Officer Roundtable, Washington, D.C.
Oct. 10-11: MBA 2022 Insurance Conclave, Fort Worth, Texas
Oct. 22: mPowering You: MBA’s Summit for Women in Real Estate Finance, Music City Center Nashville
Oct. 23-26: MBA Annual Convention and Expo, Music City Center Nashville
Nov. 2-3: MBA Commercial/Multifamily Technology Officer Roundtable, Washington, D.C.
Nov. 8-10: MBA Accounting and Financial Management Conference, JW Marriott Phoenix Desert Ridge Resort & Spa Phoenix
Jan. 23-26, 2023: MBA Independent Mortgage Bankers Conference, Coronado, Calif.
Feb. 12-15, 2023: CREF 2023, San Diego
Feb. 21-24, 2023: MBA Servicing Solutions Conference & Expo, Orlando
Apr. 17-18, 2023: MBA State & Local Workshop, Washington, D.C.
Apr. 18-19: MBA National Advocacy Conference, Washington, D.C.
May 9-12: MBA Commercial/Multifamily Housing Servicing and Technology Conference, Chicago
May 21-24: MBA Secondary and Capital Markets Conference & Expo, New York
For more information, click the links above or visit https://www.mba.org/conferences-and-education/conferences-and-meetings.
For the most up-to-date information regarding legislative activity at the state and local level, visit the MBA State Legislative Database here.
For information about MBA Education events, visit http://www.mbaeducation.org.
For information about the National Association of Minority Mortgage Bankers of America (NAMMBA), visit https://www.nammba.org/.
Enjoy the week!