MBA Advocacy Update
On Friday MBA submitted a letter responding to HUD’s RFI on housing affordability, urging HUD to pursue a number of regulatory and federal funding reforms intended to spur housing supply, lower costs and enhance affordability. Also last week MBA submitted a letter to the House Energy and Commerce Committee highlighting the association’s principles for privacy and cybersecurity reform. And on Wednesday, Comptroller Joseph Otting testified before the House Financial Services Committee on the OCC’s joint plan with the FDIC to revamp CRA.
MBA, Trade Groups Ask Agencies to Delay Credit Risk Retention Rule
The Mortgage Bankers Association and three dozen other industry groups sent a letter Friday to federal agencies, asking them to delay a review of the federal Credit Risk Retention final rule until the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau finalizes its Qualified Mortgage definition.

MBA Chart of the Week: Home Sales and Inventory for Sale
This week’s chart highlights longer-term trends in home sales and inventory of homes on the market.