MBA Premier Member Profile: Finicity

(One in a continuing series of profiles of Premier Members of the Mortgage Bankers Association.)

FinicityFinicity is simplifying the verification process through customer-permissioned access to financial account information. This digital experience allows lenders to verify customer financial information. No paper chase. No hassle. No second requests. Simply fast and accurate verification.

Finicity is an approved report provider for the Fannie Mae Day 1 Certainty program. In addition to its market-leading Verification of Assets reports, Finicity is developing other technologies to propel the lending experience forward in the digital era.

Key Personnel
–Steve Smith, CEO and co-founder

–Nick Thomas, COO and co-founder

–Richard Kuhn, Vice President of Business Development

–Lynn Sheck, Vice President of Strategic Accounts

MBA NEWSLINK: What is the most important issue facing your company right now?

STEVE SMITH: Finicity is working to ensure the availability of consumer-permissioned data to drive a more rapid and accurate verification process. The ability for consumers to share data to enhance the mortgage process is critical as we move to a more digitally driven process. Finicity is developing technologies as well as participating in industry forums to ensure this data is easily and securely accessible. From assets to income to employment, verifications using consumer-permissioned data is the future.

NEWSLINK: What are some key trends your company is tracking?

SMITH: We are looking at next-gen technologies that will enhance the consumers ability to manage their data as well as use their data to better demonstrate their ability to manage a loan. Finicity is looking to empower consumers to use a broader range of data points in the decisioning process. We also see emerging technologies such as blockchain and self-sovereign identity as potential enhancements to the digital mortgage experience.

NEWSLINK: Why did your company join the Mortgage Bankers Association?

SMITH: The mortgage industry is in the midst of digitization. Finicity’s solutions fit exceptionally well with the requirements of the industry–particularly around verifications for credit decisioning. We are focused on helping to digitize the industry and improve the consumer experience. We also believe that a digitally driven process will enhance credit availability to the underserved.

NEWSLINK: How has being an MBA Premier Member benefited your company?

SMITH: Our ability to connect with other members is central to our membership. Additionally, having greater insight into the news of the day and market trends (data) has been exceptionally helpful in strengthening our understanding of the market.

(MBA Premier Member Profiles are a service provided by the Mortgage Bankers Association and MBA NewsLink as a service to MBA Premier Members. Publication does not constitute an endorsement of a particular company, product or service. For more information about the MBA Premier Member program, contact Rashida Holmes at or 202/557-2779.)