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Trump Faults Treasury Secretary over Fed Pick
Wall Street Journal, Nov. 23, 2018--Peter Nicholas, Nick Timiraos, Bob DavisPresident Trump has expressed dissatisfaction with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, blaming him for the appointment of a Federal Reserve chairman who has been raising interest rates, a move Mr. Trump worries will jeopardize economic gains as his 2020 re-election campaign approaches.
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What if You Could Trade Sweat Equity for a Cash Down Payment and Closing Costs?
Orange County Register, Nov. 24, 2018--Jeff LazersonThis week Freddie Mac gave the go-ahead to unlimited sweat equity to count toward your down payment and closing costs through its enhanced Home Possible Mortgage program.
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Borrowers Are Tapping Their Homes for Cash, Even as Rates Rise
Wall Street Journal, Nov. 25, 2018--Ben Eisen, Christina Rexrode (subscription)More than 80% of borrowers who refinanced in the third quarter chose the "cash out" option, withdrawing $14.6 billion in equity out of their homes, according to government-sponsored mortgage corporation Freddie Mac. That is the highest share of cash-out refis since 2007.
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Cheat Sheet: Hopes and Hang-Ups on CRA Reform
National Mortgage News, Nov. 25, 2018--Rachel Witkowski, Kate Berry (subscription)Bank regulators have not come out with a formal plan for updating the Community Reinvestment Act, but a preliminary list of questions about the reform effort issued by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency has produced a treasure trove of public feedback to guide their deliberations.
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Odd Parcels: Alimony Tax Changes, Neighborhood Regret, More
UEXpress, Nov. 23, 2018--Lew SichelmanHomeowners are staying in their places longer than ever, according to the Census Bureau, further exacerbating the inventory shortage of houses for sale in many markets.
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