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As CRE Lending Landscape Shifts, Nonbank Lenders Step Up
Forbes, July 16, 2018--Evan GentryEven though CRE loans celebrated a record-breaking year in 2017, according to a Mortgage Bankers Association report, the CRE market also started to see slowing property value growth and decelerating property sales.
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Real Estate Pros are a Diverse Bunch, Let’s Find More
Mortgage Professional America, July 16, 2018--Steve RandallCareer Building Communities is a collaboration of 29 real estate organizations, representing more than 10 million jobs, with the mission to highlight diverse career paths available in the industry. The Mortgage Bankers Association is among those who have joined the initiative.
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Mortgages Matter More than Jobs to Voters
MarketWatch, July 16, 2017--Andrea RiquierIn "Mortgage Market Credit Conditions and U.S. Presidential Elections," Alexis Antoniades of Georgetown University and Charles W. Calomiris of Columbia University show that changes in the availability of mortgage credit affect voting patterns in presidential elections. In turn, that influences politicians' behavior.
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Monthly Issuance Rises at Ginnie Mae
Mortgage Daily, July 16, 2018Issuance of Ginnie Mae mortgage-backed securities amounted to $36.999 billion during June, according to data released Monday by the government-owned organization.
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BofA Earnings, Mortgage Originations Up
Mortgage Daily, July 16, 2018Quarterly earnings were stronger at Bank of America Corp. as originations improved. The payroll expanded, and the residential and commercial mortgage portfolios grew.
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Waters, Hensarling Put Forth Massive Bipartisan Economic Growth Bill
HousingWire, July 16, 2018--Kelsey RamirezThe enormous bipartisan push for the legislative package, known as the JOBS and Investor Confidence Act of 2018, is made up of 32 individual pieces of legislation that have passed the committee or House this congressional session with broad bipartisan and sometimes even unanimous support.
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Fed’s Powell Has Some Explaining to Do on Stress Test Moves
American Banker, July 16, 2018--Victoria Finkle (subscription)When Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell faces lawmakers this week, one big question will almost certainly be: Is the central bank playing favorites among the big banks?
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The Business Case for Sustainability in Commercial Real Estate
National Real Estate Investor, July 16, 2018--Sofya Shuster The importance of sustainability in commercial real estate as a growth engine is now recognized by market participants both on the equity and on the debt side.
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