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Top National News

Equifax Interim CEO Apologizes to Consumers after Data Breach
Los Angeles Times, Sept. 28, 2017--James F. PeltzPaulino do Rego Barros Jr., who was named interim CEO after Richard Smith abruptly stepped down as chief executive Tuesday, publicly apologized for the credit-reporting company's poor response to concerns about a massive data breach, and--facing ongoing public backlash--he offered some additional remedies to consumers.
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Mortgage Rates, Applications Stall as Housing Market Stumbles
Washington Post, Sept. 28, 2017--Kathy OrtonFixed mortgage rates' upward climb stalled this week as weak housing data put a damper on investors' enthusiasm. Mortgage Bankers Association Economist Joel Kan said rates increased to their highest levels in nearly a month "following a relatively hawkish Fed statement last week."
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The World’s Largest Hedge Fund Told Clients That The Fed is Making a Mistake
Business Insider, Sept. 28, 2017--Rachael Levy The world's largest hedge fund told clients that the Federal Reserve is making a mistake by raising interest rates.
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Commercial, Multifamily Mortgage Debt Rises to $3.6 Trillion in U.S.
World Property Journal, Sept. 28, 2017--Michael GerrityAccording to the Mortgage Bankers Association's Commercial/Multifamily Mortgage Debt Outstanding Report, total U.S. commercial and multifamily mortgage debt outstanding rose to $3.06 trillion at the end of the second quarter, as three of the four major investor groups increased their holdings.
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IRS Bill Could Reduce Need for Equifax, Other Credit Bureaus
National Mortgage News, Sept. 28, 2017--Lalita Clozel (subscription)As heads continue to roll in the wake of the Equifax breach, Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., said his bill would be a step up from how lenders currently verify a potential borrower's financial data.
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Housing, Meet Your Next Homebuyers–Generation Z
HousingWire, Sept. 28, 2017--Kelsey RamirezThe Zillow Group Report on Consumer and Housing Trends 2017 shows this new generation now makes up more than 21% of the U.S. population, and is the most ethnically and racially diverse generation in our history. And they are beginning to enter the housing market--as renters.
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House Passes Flood Insurance Bill, Senate Says No Thanks
National Mortgage News, Sept. 28, 2017--Brian Collins (subscription)The House passed a bill Thursday to make it easier for homeowners to obtain private flood insurance policies not provided directly through the National Flood Insurance Program. But moments later, the Senate declined to move the bill.
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More Americans Are Falling Behind on Student Loans, and Nobody Quite Knows Why
Bloomberg, Sept. 28, 2017--Shahien NasiripourMore student debtors are falling behind on their federal student loans, after three years of declines in late payments-and with no clear explanation, experts aren't sure whether to take it as a sign of distress or a temporary blip.
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House Report on CFPB’s Wells Fargo Investigation is No Smoking Gun
American Banker, Sept. 28, 2017--Kate Berry (subscription)A GOP report on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's Wells Fargo investigation appears aimed at providing more ammunition for potentially ousting Director Richard Cordray, but its impact will likely be limited, observers say.
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Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the Need for Reform
American Action Forum, Sept. 28, 2017--Meghan MilloyAs Fannie and Freddie move toward zero retained capital and a heightened possibility of another draw on the Treasury, it is more important than ever that real, substantive reforms be made to the GSEs.
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Mortgage Servicing, Originations Rise at loanDepot
Mortgage Daily, Sept. 28, 2017The mortgage servicing portfolio grew at loanDepot LLC. Home-lending activity was also up on a quarter-over-quarter basis but down on a year-over-year basis.
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Fixed Mortgage Rates Hold, Could Climb
Mortgage Daily, Sept. 28, 2017--Sam GarciaFixed mortgage rates were unchanged this past week, though they could be elevated in the next report. Interest rates on hybrid adjustable-rate mortgages did rise.
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Cohn: ‘People Don’t Buy Homes Because of the Mortgage Deduction’
The Hill, Sept 28, 2017--Naomi JagodaWhite House National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn on Thursday pushed back against criticism that Republicans' tax plan could hurt the real-estate market, saying, "People don't buy homes because of the mortgage deduction."
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Nomura, RBS Lose Bid to Overturn $839 Million Mortgage Bond Award
Reuters, Sept. 28, 2017--Brendan PiersonThe banks had challenged the 2015 award on multiple grounds, including that the loss of the securities' value was largely caused not by any false statements, but by the broader financial crisis in 2008.
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Ocwen Begins Settling with States to Remove Mortgage Servicing Restrictions
HousingWire, Sept. 28, 2017--Ben LaneAt the core of each consent agreement is a stipulation that Ocwen move its servicing off of the REALServicing platform, its proprietary servicing platform, which is used to process and apply borrower payments, communicate payment information to borrowers and maintain loan balance information.
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U.S. Economy Accelerates in Second Quarter; Hurricanes Expected to Slow Growth
Reuters, Sept. 28, 2017--Lucia MutikaniGross domestic product increased at a 3.1 percent annual rate in the April-June period, the Commerce Department said in its third estimate on Thursday. The upward revision from the 3.0 percent rate of growth reported last month reflected a rise in inventory investment.
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Residential Finance News

Commercial/Multifamily News

MBA News

MAA Action Week Oct. 2-6
The MBA Mortgage Action Alliance Action Week (Oct. 2-6) is a week-long event dedicated to helping real estate finance professionals learn how to become more engaged in political advocacy that supports the real estate finance industry.
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