MBA National Advocacy Conference June 20-21
The Mortgage Bankers Association’s annual National Advocacy Conference takes place June 20-21 at the Grand Hyatt Washington in Washington, D.C.
Stand as One
MBA remains the most influential and powerful presence on real estate finance issues in the country. While we are bigger and stronger than ever before, we need to be even louder in 2017.
A loud and cohesive voice is critical as we face change and instill confidence in our industry. This is why our National Advocacy Conference is so important.
The NAC is the largest advocacy event of the year focused solely on the issues facing real estate finance. It is the one time during the year that we can collectively show Congress, including your elected officials, just how impactful proposed legislation can be to our businesses, consumers and the economy.
Comprehensive GSE reform will be a major topic. NAC attendees will hear from MBA policy experts about GSE reform and also attend meetings with their local elected officials. The remainder of the NAC program will include thoughts on the new presidential administration, as well as potential congressional actions affecting our industry.
We are excited to announce our keynote luncheon: Understanding Trump and the Resistance, featuring Stephanie Cutter and Corey Lewandowski. Cutter is a CNN political commentator and the former deputy campaign manager for President Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign. Lewandowski is also a CNN commentator and the former campaign manager for Donald J. Trump for President Inc. They will lead a discussion about the current political environment and are uniquely positioned to offer firsthand perspectives on the new administration and the actions of the Democratic “loyal opposition.”
We are also pleased to announce that 2015 MBA Chairman Bill Cosgrove, CMB, and Ohio MBA Executive Director Marianne Collins will underscore the power of grassroots activism and jointly interview National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Steve Stivers, R-Ohio, regarding his unique perspective on the political landscape and the House Financial Services Committee’s agenda for the remainder of 2017. Stivers was the principal author of MBA-supported SAFE Act amendments/transitional licensing legislation during the 114th Congress. He remains highly engaged on the issue as he seeks to re-introduce similar bipartisan legislation this year.
Who Should Attend
MBA members seeking to speak up and make a difference.
To register, click https://store.mortgagebankers.org/ProductDetail.aspx?product_code=M2171292/REGIS. Register by May 12 for early registration discounts.
The NAC coincides with the annual MBA State & Local Workshop. For more information about the Workshop, click https://www.mba.org/conferences-and-education/event-mini-sites/state-and-local-2017.
For more information about the National Advocacy Conference, click https://www.mba.org/store/events/conferences-and-meetings/mbas-national-advocacy-conference-2017.