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From Mortgages to Payday Loans, How Trump Will Impact Consumer Lending
Wall Street Journal, Nov. 10, 2016--Andriotis, Annamaria "The Trump team had been very focused on what they view as regulatory excesses...about rolling back and getting rid of Dodd Frank," said David Stevens, president and chief executive of the Mortgage Bankers Association.
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What Effect the Trump Administration Will Have on the Housing Market
Washington Post, Nov. 10, 2016--Orton, Kathy The housing market got very little attention in the presidential campaign. Now as Donald Trump prepares to take office, what lies ahead for home buyers and sellers?
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What’s Behind a Sudden Foreclosure Spike
CNBC, Nov. 10, 2016--Olick, Diana Foreclosures had been falling steadily to the lowest levels in nine years, but a curious spike in October may be the first sign of a crack in the recovery.
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Macy’s Makes Real-Estate Pact With Brookfield; Profit Falls
Wall Street Journal, Nov. 10, 2016--Jamerson, Joshua Macy's Inc. posted another quarter of lower sales at existing stores and struck a deal that could further shrink its retail footprint.
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U.S. Jobless Claims Drop More than Expected
Reuters, Nov. 10, 2016--Dunsmuir, Lindsay Initial claims for state unemployment benefits dropped 11,000 to a seasonally adjusted 254,000 for the week ended Nov. 5, the Labor Department said on Thursday.
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Trump Has No Plans to Change the MID: Economic Adviser
National Mortgage News, Nov. 11, 2016--Sinnock, Bonnie; Passy, Jacob Any plans President-elect Donald Trump may have for tax reform don't include cutting the mortgage interest deduction, according to a member of Trump's economic advisory council.
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Fannie, Freddie Shares Soar Even as Fate Remains Foggy
Wall Street Journal, Nov. 13, 2016--Carney, John President-elect Donald Trump has said little of what might happen to them; MBA President and CEO David Stevens says "anyone who thinks they know what Trump thinks about Fannie and Freddie is making it up."
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What Election Results Mean for 2017 Mortgage Volume
National Mortgage News, Nov. 11, 2016--Passy, Jacob "Big picture, it was definitely easier to discern what potential Hillary Clinton policies would be," MBA Chief Economist Michael Fratantoni said. "Given the nature of the [Donald Trump campaign's] proposals, they've been very high level at this point."
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Military Discipline Makes Up for Spotty Credit Scores in this Mortgage Program
MarketWatch, Nov. 11, 2016--Riquier, Andrea Veterans Affairs programs perform well despite low down payments and nonexistent credit scores.
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Nonprime RMBS Different Than Pre-Crisis Securitizations Because of ‘Skin in the Game’
GoRion, Nov. 11, 2016--Curry, Kerry The concept of "skin in the game" for residential mortgage-backed securities took on new meaning in the wake of the nation's financial crisis and has important implications in today's secondary market as we begin to see a nascent return to private-label securitization.
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Surprises, Good and Bad
UExpress, Nov. 11, 2016--Sichelman, Lew Over the next few years, some 3 million homeowners with HELOCs have to say goodbye to making minimum, interest-only payments on their lines of credit. 
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TRID Behind Buyers Remorse With Mortgage Lenders
Mortgage Daily, Nov. 10, 2016 Although customers who took out a new mortgage are more satisfied this year, a significant share have experienced buyer's remorse.
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Mortgage Rates Rise, Set to Soar
Mortgage Daily, Nov. 10, 2016--Garcia, Sam Before the impact of the presidential election, mortgages rates were already rising. In the next report, fixed interest rates are likely to leap.
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The Mortgage Market Is Changing Fast
Wall Street Journal, Nov. 14, 2016--Andriotis, Annamaria The remaking of U.S. politics also is likely to upend the nation's mortgage market. There are two reasons why: interest rates and regulation. MBA President and CEO David Stevens said who President-Elect Trump picks as attorney general, and the approach of the Justice Department toward lending transgressions, would have a big impact on how lenders assess legal risk.
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Big Mortgage Bankers Appoint Executives
Mortgage Daily, Nov. 11, 2016--Garcia, Sam Some of the country's biggest mortgage banking firms have made changes to their management ranks.
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Home Purchases Drive Up Mortgage Activity
Mortgage Daily, Nov. 11, 2016 Home purchase financing activity drove overall new mortgage activity to the highest level in more than three months.
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Residential Finance News

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MBA News

MBA Education Essentials of Servicing Transfers Webinar Nov. 16
Learn New Rules, Regulations on Mortgage Servicing Rights, Other Servicing Issues
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MBA Mortgage Action Alliance Post-Election Advocacy Update Nov. 15
MBA Breaks Down Election, Offers 2017 Outlook  
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