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Top National News

By Buying Yahoo, Verizon Scoops Up a Rare Prize: Silicon Valley Real Estate
Los Angeles Times, July 27, 2016--Khouri, Andrew; Lien, Tracey   One million-square-foot campus in Sunnyvale, Calif.
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Mortgage Applications to Buy and Refinance Drop 11%
CNBC, July 27, 2016--Olick, Diana MBA says interest rates, home prices put pressure on buyers and borrowers.
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Choppy Waters Ahead for Maturing CMBS Loans
National Real Estate Investor, July 27, 2016--Mattson-Teig, Beth  More volatile stretch ahead as more large loans mature.
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Home Sales Up, Mortgage Applications Down
National Mortgage Professional, July 27, 2016--Hall, Phil Volatile summer continues for housing market.
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D.C. Circuit Sets October Argument in Robocall Challenge
Bloomberg BNA, July 27, 2016--Bruce, Chris MBA among groups challenging how regulators treat "robo-calls." 
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Servicing Bad Loans Gets Trickier as FHA’s Share of Them Grows
National Mortgage News, July 27, 2016--Sinnock, BonnieFHA share up to 25% at end of 1Q.
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Fed Leaves Door Open to Move as Soon as September
Wall Street Journal, July 27, 2016--Torry, Harriet Upgraded assessment of recent economic performance.
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U.S. Expands Investigation into Money Laundering by Foreign Cash Buyers
HousingWire, July 27, 2016--Lane, Ben "Evidence" of suspicious activities in high-end real estate.
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U.S. Durable-Goods Orders Sink 4% in June, Biggest Drop in Almost Two Years
MarketWatch, July 27, 2016--Bartash, Jeffry Lack of business spending holds back U.S. economy.
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CFPB Unveils Overhaul of Debt Collection
Wall Street Journal, July 28, 2016--Hayayshi, Yuka Targets aggressive debt-collection practices.
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Is there Light at the End of the Tunnel for Ocwen?
HousingWire, July 27, 2016--Lane, Ben Company takes 2nd quarter loss as it deals with "legacy" issues.
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All the Reasons It’s So Much Harder to Buy a Home than It Was for Your Parents
Washington Post, July 28, 2016--Lerner, Michele MBA Chief Economist Mike Fratantoni says the strengthening economy, however, should lead to a stronger housing market.
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The 50 Altered States of American Housing
NASDAQ, July 27, 2016--DiMartino Booth, Danielle The MBA Mortgage Credit Availability Index suggests it's becoming increasingly difficult to qualify for loan despite low interest rates.
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Simon Says Earnings Will Be Higher, but Wall Street Expected More
Wall Street Journal, July 27, 2016--Jamerson, Joshua Real estate operator says retail sales hurt earnings potential.
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